A disgusting trend… Social media is no stranger to it.

In Japan, it's called “Baito tero”, “Baito” meaning “part-time work” and “tero”, “terro.rism”. It has even become a national problem, frightening the entire population.

In a few words, the trend translates into unacceptable acts, committed by part-time employees in the hospitality industry, most often in restaurants or fast food restaurants, filmed and then widely broadcast on the social media (otherwise it’s not funny).

These famous acts? Rubbing food on the floor, putting pubic hair on a pizza, spitting in a stew… Recently, it was a Domino’s Pizza employee who filmed himself spreading his snot in pizza dough in a video viewed 25.8 million times, reports Demotivateur.

In Japan, these behaviors are increasing and are seriously starting to traumatize customers. Where hygiene is a priority, “Baito tero” is a real scourge.

In response, measures are getting tougher in the Land of the Rising Sun. Employees involved in these practices risk a fine of 3,000 euros and 3 years of imprisonment.

(MH with AsD - Source: Demotivateur - Illustration: Unsplash)

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