To prepare my predictions for the year 2024, I study the planetary movements based on NASA data because these provide essential information on upcoming events. Certain astral configurations are so powerful (be it positively or negatively) that we will all feel their effects, to a different degree depending on our zodiac sign. So, without further ado, here are the dates to watch out for in 2024 💫.

Get ready for a year of profound transformations and exciting opportunities, guided by the movements of the planets in the sky. 2024 will be a year of transformations and challenges, but also of opportunities and growth. Be open to change, seize opportunities and stay positive. The universe has much to offer, anchor yourself and be ready to receive 🙌.

- Read your 2024 horoscope and Nostradamus' predictions too - 

Important astrological dates for 2024

A new era begins with Pluto in Aquarius for 20 years, so make a note of all these dates in your diary 🗓️.

Important dates
Astrological event
January 21Pluto enters Aquarius
🧨 Pluto's arrival in Aquarius brings greater openness and freedom, encouraging progressive changes, but can also create a potentially explosive climate.
February 14
Mars Pluto conjunction in Aquarius
🔥 The Mars-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius stimulates your revolutionary energy, urging you to challenge the status quo with boldness and intelligence.
March 22
Venus Saturn conjunction in Pisces
🌗 The Venus-Saturn conjunction in Pisces on March 22 presents you with an emotional dilemma: between the desire to give love freely and the fear of disappointment. Finding the balance will be your challenge.
April 10Mars Saturn conjunction in Pisces
🔴⏳ The Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces on April 10 suggests a struggle between momentum and restraint, which can lead to tension and a fluctuating mood. Avoid complex situations and channel your energy constructively.
April 21
Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus
On April 21, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus stimulates ambition, authority and opportunity. Don't be afraid to assert your will to achieve your goals.
April 29
Mars Neptune conjunction in Pisces 
The Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces stimulates your imagination and desire for escape, while intensifying your emotions, which can lead to disorganized actions. 🌌🧘‍
May 23Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
On May 23, the sextile between Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces favors social harmony, tolerance and adaptability, facilitating integration into various teams. 🤝🌟
June 2Jupiter in Gemini Pluto in Aquarius trine
On June 2, the Jupiter in Gemini Pluto in Aquarius trine amplifies your intuition and persuasiveness, enabling you to share your vision strategically without imposing your authority. 🌌🔮
June 4
Sun Venus conjunction in Gemini
The Sun-Venus conjunction in Gemini stimulates seduction, flirtation and artistic expression, favoring light, playful lovemaking. A great time to meet new people and strengthen existing ties. 😊💕
July 15Mars Uranus conjunction in Taurus
On July 15, the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus stimulates bold, innovative energy, but beware of impulsiveness and nervousness. 🐂💥
August 15Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini
On August 14, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini stimulates boldness and confidence, conducive to financial and professional success. Beware, however, of impulsiveness, which could lead to errors of judgment. 💫
August 19
Square Jupiter in Gemini Saturn in Pisces
On August 19, the square Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces can create tension between your ambitions and the limits imposed, giving rise to dissatisfaction and contradiction in your desires. 🌩️
September 3Pluto returns to Capricorn
On September 3, Pluto in Capricorn strengthens your determination while encouraging introspection and the resolution of old problems. Patience and perseverance will be your allies. 🪐🐐
September 15Venus in Libra Jupiter in Gemini trine
On September 15, the Venus in Libra - Jupiter in Gemini trine favors harmony and expansion in relationships, paving the way for romantic engagements or exciting travels. Singles, expect a deep intellectual connection. 💞🌟
September 19
Triangular trine between the Sun in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn
October 8Venus in Scorpio Mars in Cancer trine
On October 8, the Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer trine intensifies your emotions, awakens your sensuality and ignites your passion in relationships. 🌹🔥
October 14Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini
On October 14, the Sun in Libra-Jupiter trine in Gemini stimulates your charisma and eloquence, favoring social interaction and persuasion. It's the perfect time to expand your network! 🤝🌟
November 3Mars in Cancer Pluto in Capricorn opposition
On November 3, the opposition between Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn could create tensions and power struggles. Try to stay calm and avoid unnecessary aggression. 😤
November 20
Pluto returns and settles in Aquarius for 20 years
Pluto in Aquarius stimulates innovation and freedom, but can also bring unexpected upheavals. 🧨
December 24Square Jupiter in Gemini Saturn in Pisces
On December 24, the square between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces may cause mood swings and obstacles. Remain patient and adaptable. 🌪️🌈


July 15: Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus🌟 

On July 15, Mars, the planet of action, will join Uranus, the star of innovation and freedom, at the same degree in the Zodiac. They will form a conjunction at 26 degrees in the sign of Taurus. Under this Mars-Uranus conjunction, you won't be the type to let anyone walk all over you, especially when it comes to discipline. Your ideas will come fast and furious, and you'll execute them brilliantly. However, be cautious of your nerves, as they could get the better of you! Mars and Uranus in Taurus bring an explosive energy to this sign, known for its routines and organization.

How will your zodiac sign be impacted by the Mars-Uranus conjunction?

  • For Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and Aries: This aspect will give you a boost, but beware of becoming stubborn or fanatical. Try to stay constructive in your demands and attitude, as you might be tempted to lose your temper, slam the door, or kick out at anything that bothers you.
  • For Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces: This conjunction will be beneficial, offering you a chance to break free from stifling situations and provoke change. It will happen quite naturally, making you more future-focused and less afraid of facing the unknown.
  • For Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius: You'll likely find yourself improvising in unexpected and original ways. Depending on the rest of your astrological chart, you might be drawn to adventure, long journeys, activism, or rebellion.

How each zodiac sign can make the most of the Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus

The Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on July 15, 2024, brings a unique blend of dynamic energy and innovative potential. Here are practical suggestions to harness this powerful astrological event:

For Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, and Aries:

  • Channel your energy constructively: Use your heightened energy to tackle projects that require persistence. Avoid letting stubbornness turn into conflict.
  • Innovate in your routine: Introduce new methods or ideas into your daily habits. This is a great time to break free from monotonous routines.
  • Manage stress: Practice stress-relief techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises to keep your nerves in check.
  • Express assertively: When asserting your ideas or defending your position, aim for calm and clear communication to avoid unnecessary confrontations.

For Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces:

  • Embrace change: Identify areas in your life where you feel stuck and take bold steps to initiate change. This could be in your career, relationships, or personal habits.
  • Plan for the future: Use this time to set long-term goals. The forward-looking energy of this conjunction will help you envision and plan for the future.
  • Explore new opportunities: Be open to new experiences and opportunities that come your way. This is a good time to take calculated risks.
  • Build confidence: Step out of your comfort zone and trust in your ability to handle new situations. This conjunction supports growth and courage.

For Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius:

  • Adventure and exploration: If you have the chance to travel or embark on new adventures, go for it. This is a perfect time to explore and experience new horizons.
  • Engage in activism: If you feel passionate about a cause, get involved. Your ability to think creatively and act spontaneously will be beneficial in activism and advocacy.
  • Stay flexible: Be prepared for unexpected changes and developments. Your adaptability will help you navigate these surprises effectively.
  • Balance impulsivity with planning: While your adventurous spirit is heightened, ensure you have a basic plan to avoid unnecessary risks.

General tips for everyone:

  • Leverage technology: With Uranus’ influence on innovation, consider using new technologies or apps to streamline your life or work processes.
  • Collaborate: Team up with others who share your goals or values. Collaboration can lead to groundbreaking ideas and achievements.
  • Stay grounded: While the conjunction encourages bold actions, keeping a level head and staying grounded will help you make the most of this energy.
  • Reflect and act: Take time to reflect on what changes you want to make, then take decisive action. This balance will help you use this conjunction's energy most effectively.

Astrology 2024: Key dates

  • From late April to early June, Jupiter, our benevolent protector, will weave several beneficial aspects. A period of growth and fulfillment awaits us. Around April 21, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus will meet, offering us a unique opportunity to assert our will and establish our authority. This conjunction could manifest itself as a pleasant surprise, happy news, or even a conflict leading to radical change. It's up to you to seize the opportunity, innovate, bounce back and make your dreams come true.
  • On May 23, Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces will form a harmonious sextile. This celestial configuration will encourage collaboration, tolerance and community spirit. Whatever your sign, you'll find it easier to find your place in groups, associations or movements.
  • On June 2, Jupiter in Gemini will be in trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect will highlight success, strategy and financial flair. This is the time to trust your intuition, persuasiveness and mental strength.
  • However, the end of the year will be more nuanced. Around August 19, Jupiter in Gemini will be in square with Saturn in Pisces. This period could be marked by various restrictions, be they economic, ecological or other. You may feel some dissatisfaction, but don't forget that challenges are also opportunities for growth.

- Will you find love today? Today's horoscope for each star sign has the answer! 

Susan Taylor’s insights: The Universe speaks to us

Planetary aspects have influences on astrological signs, and knowing the key dates of the year 2024 helps us to anticipate. More generally, astrology is a tool that allows us to deepen our knowledge of ourselves, and of others, and to better interact with our environment. This is why it can be interesting to turn to one of our experts, a specialist in astrology, in order to obtain a clear vision of yourself, of your future, and the keys to moving forward more serenely.
- The future is mine -

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