12:21 is a reversed mirror hour, associated with a highly important message regarding your future. If you have kept seeing this time on the clock lately, then you shouldn’t ignore it. Your guardian angel is reaching out to you by grabbing your attention and is urging you to take the time to understand the messages you receive. Indeed, opening your heart to the spiritual hours will help you find the truth and the true meaning of your existence. For more insights into 12:21, read on!

Seeing the 12:21 reversed mirror hour encourages you to stand up for yourself. 

All mirror hours or reversed mirror hours carry a message for those who notice them. Have you seen the time 12:21 several times and want to know the meaning of this message? You’re in the right place! We reveal all.

12:21 Meaning: A negative signification but a positive spiritual message

If you’re only interested in the meaning, each time you see the time 12:21 appear on your watch, it means someone is speaking badly about you. You might get betrayed. Nevertheless, your guardian angel’s message is a bit more positive. They encourage you to have faith in your home life, love, and your family and to get rid of your fears. This time indicates that by working on your inner truth, you will see improvements in your psychological and physical well-being. Positive energies will flow through you so that you will have the courage to succeed in life. When faced with an important event where your judgment plays a big role, it will help you to have a discerning mind. 

Through the reversed mirror hour 12:21, your angel asks you to free yourself from your chains to access your own truth. He gives you the strength to assert yourself and encourages you to detach yourself from your negative emotions for a higher understanding of things. Likewise, he favors the circulation of positive energies in the body and helps you to have confidence in your strength of realization. Time mystical time also promotes physical and psychological liberation by giving you access to the key to your inner truth. It allows you to use discernment to foil the traps that hinder your elevation.

12:21 symbolizes:

  • Family
  • Harmony
  • Optimism
  • Idealism

"To achieve your objectives, you have to come forward and dare to leave your comfort zone."


12:21 Reversed mirror hour: It’s time to assert yourself

Just like a spirit animal or a dream, a mirror hour is a way for your guardian angel to pass on a message to you. It’s also an opportunity for them to highlight an aspect of your personality and therefore help you to get to know yourself better. Frequently, seeing the time 12:21 is an invitation to be more confident. To achieve your objectives, you have to come forward and dare to leave your comfort zone. Avoid people who make a bad impression on you, choose your friends better, follow your instinct and then finally assert yourself

The reverse time 12:21, in its angelic interpretation, reveals that it is time to free yourself from all your blockages. You will then be more serene to face the challenges that await you. In any case, your angel will accompany you every day. He will see to it that you assert yourself to those around you. 

The message of the reversed mirror time 12:21, tells you to regain confidence in life, as you are currently supported by the universe. If you feel things are stalling, have faith in yourself and stay optimistic. This sequence of numbers indicates that you can achieve your life goals by increasing your awareness and spiritual development. You are told that anything is possible if your intentions remain positive and authentic. If your ambitions rise to higher planes, know that you are capable of evolving and that your actions will have a positive impact on your fellow man.

 💡 FAQ 💡 ▼

What is 1221 trying to tell me?

If you look at the reverse time 12:21, you'll see that the guardian angel is bringing you good news. After an upheaval in friendship or love, your life will regain a certain stability. On the other hand, angels use them to reveal themselves to you, so keep your dreams in mind. But when they appear in your dreams, know that it's not just the reason for telepathy. In fact, they're also said to expel the bad atmosphere that leads to nightmares. Angels want to give you a good night's sleep so that you can be completely relaxed and rest both physically and mentally.

Thanks to your guardian angel, you'll be able to deal with important mysterious discoveries about the universe and the stars, so you can enjoy a deep sleep that you'll need to pay attention to. Through the reverse hour 12:21, spiritual beings bring you happiness and joy. Under their wings you take no risks, so stay calm.

What does 12:21 mean spiritually?

The angel associated with the reversed hour 12:21 is Haamiah. She represents truth and the path. Her role is to enlighten you on the foundations of the various existing religions and rituals. The aim is to help you find the true path that's right for you. In this way, you'll be able to accomplish absolutely anything you set your mind to.

As Haamiah is known as the angel of ritual, you'll discover new horizons together. You'll become more open-minded and appreciate many things in life. You'll also become more understanding and supportive of those around you. Thanks to her great wisdom, you'll be more attentive to the actions and behavior of others. Thanks to her, too, the bad habits you once had will disappear. You'll become a kinder, more courteous person.

This guardian angel plays an important role in a relationship, especially when it comes to sex. It teaches you to be more attentive to each other's desires. The experience will be a memorable one. This will only improve your union and communication: the secret of a happy relationship. Haamiah can also help you combat the negative vibes that can affect your physical and moral well-being.

1221 Meaning love - Does your relationship need reevaluating?

Visualizing 12:21 often means a blocked or a complicated situation is on the horizon for you. You could even be getting yourself into an impossible kind of relationship. In any case, you can expect a struggle. Indeed, this time is often synonymous with vain sacrifices. It is often a strong signal for the person concerned. It becomes urgent to turn the page. Often involved are empathetic individuals who cross paths with their opposite. Passion is often present, but it is presented under its bad aspects: suffering. The advice of this blade is therefore to learn to give up. For couples, this is often the beginning of an imbalance that should not be overlooked.

What does seeing 12:21 mean for your career?

Seeing the 12:21 mirror hour often reveals professional dissatisfaction, where your work no longer meets your expectations. It's a source of constraints that affect your personal life negatively. Although you seem to have accepted it, it's not the right solution. It's time to take matters into your own hands and start afresh, if necessary. In general, this card symbolizes good and evil, opposites, but above all the possibility of moving from one extreme state to another. It's therefore essential to face up to this situation and take the necessary decisions to regain balance and a fulfilling professional life.

The meaning of 12:21 in numerology - Number 33

Numerology 33 has a strong vibration when put in relation to the reverse time 12:21. It allows you to have a lot of energy and dynamism to live your dreams and desires. Whatever your field of interest, you will always have dedicated blessings. This number symbolizes happiness and joy of life. However, you must not lose your way and lose sight of your goals.

How many times have you already seen 12:21 mirror hour, and wondered what the significance was, plus, why you were seeing it so frequently? Throughout our lives, we experience critical periods, and periods that accompany important changes on a personal, emotional or professional level. During these times we are more sensitive to the vibrations of the Universe, and therefore more receptive to the messages of our angels. If you see the same mirror hour over and over again, it means that your angel has an important message to communicate to you. The easiest and most reliable way to find out is to be guided by trained and professional people who can communicate with them: mediums and psychics. For your first consultation, Astrofame offers you the chance to start your reading for free with one of our experts.
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* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:

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