Perspective from Leticia Soares

Postgraduate Degree in Public and Family Health/Bachelor Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics · 5 years of experience · Brazil


  • Rice flour protects heart health. In addition to being an option for celiac disease patients, rice flour helps to better regulate total cholesterol level.
  • Rice flour is gluten-free. Rice flour is a good option to replace flours that contain gluten in the composition. People with gluten intolerance or autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease can benefit greatly from rice flour.
  • Rice flour can treat or prevent constipation. Constipation can be a result of a low fiber diet. Rice flour is rich in insoluble fibers and it can help to prevent constipation symptoms.
  • Rice flour can help in strengthening muscle mass. Rice flour is a good source of protein and B-complex vitamins. These components are really helpful to keep muscles healthy and strong. For those who want to gain muscles, adding rice flour to the diet can be a good idea.

Side Effects

  • Arsenic can be present in rice flour. Arsenic is a toxic chemical found in our environment. It is present in water, soil and air. Some foods such as rice and fruits can contain high amount of arsenic. In a recent study it was found that arsenic concentration in rice and rice and rice-containing products was significantly higher than food made with other grains. Long-term exposure to arsenic from food can cause cancer and skin lesions.

Rice flour: How much should you eat? Experts weigh in.

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Perspective from Alli Shircliff

Masters of Science in Nutrition Counseling · 18 years of experience · USA


  • Rice flour is a great gluten-free flour option, especially if you are following a gluten-free diet.
  • Rice flour, especially brown rice flour, is a good source of fiber which can be beneficial to a healthy digestive system, may help lower cholesterol, and is good for heart health.

Side Effects

  • Rice flour, especially white rice flour, doesn't have as much fiber as brown rice flour or other whole-grain flours.
  • Rice flour shouldn't be included in your diet if you don't eat grains because rice is a grain.

Rice flour: How much should you eat? Experts weigh in.

Love Rice flour? Get nutritional facts, tips from health experts, and more

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This is for information purpose only, and should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. These are opinions from an external panel of individual doctors, and not to be considered as opinion of Microsoft. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns.

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