For a few days now you’ve been looking at the clock and have seen the time 10:01. You think it’s just a coincidence… but what if it was more than that? What if this was your guardian angel’s way of trying to send you a message? Sometimes this phenomenon can be a harbinger of good or bad news. In any case, it is essential for you to know the meaning of this reversed time to be sure. Most of the time, it is characterized by doubt, misfortune, inactivity, and lack of motivation. However, there is no need to be suspicious about the future. The main thing is to take charge of your life in order to change your situation.

Seeing the 10:01 reversed mirror hour is a warning about your partner's faithfulness. 

Reversed mirror hours like 10:01 are a way for your guardian angel to communicate with you and send you a message. But what could that message be? We reveal all!

What does 10:01 mean?

Every time you look at your watch, you always see the time 10:01 appear… What if this was your guardian angel’s way of passing a message on to you? When you see this time, your higher spirits are indicating to you that this is the perfect time to make many changes in your life. Fortune and fame will be the main gifts your angel gives you. With his support, you will be successful, and his goal is for you to be fulfilled in all areas of your life. The time of misery is now officially over. 

Through the 10:01 reversed mirror hour, your angel invites you to focus on your inner self in order to understand what is right and good for you. This being of light says that you are in a period where anything can happen. You are currently benefiting from her divine energies, to direct you on the path of personal fulfillment and success. If you notice this time, it’s a sign to get your plans straight and get started! Commit yourself to the path of sensible love, and don't let yourself be blinded by all the glitter. On the sentimental level, your angel also invites you to modify your state of consciousness. Here, you must know how to be lucid about the authenticity of a person's feelings towards you. Now is the time to explore new horizons, for your love life will evolve positively.

"When you keep seeing the time 10:01, you should be aware of an event."


Why am I seeing 10:01?

Spiritual forces have many ways of passing messages on to us, and numbers are one of them. Through reversed mirror hours, our guardian angel is trying to tell us something and shed light on an aspect of our personality. When you keep seeing the time 10:01, you should be aware of an event. You should change your thinking and review your priorities. You have received the answer to one of your questions, and you should now look for advice in order to carry on making progress.

The angelic interpretation of 10:01 encourages you to work more on your deepest thoughts in order to highlight those that are more in your favor. You tend to prioritize others despite your inner well-being, and this is, therefore, a sign for you to think about yourself from time to time.

The message associated with the reversed mirror time 10:01, is a call to awareness. When you see it, you are in a position to accomplish your projects, as long as you make good use of your high aptitudes. This reversed hour invites you to listen to your conscience, to have a much more accurate vision of things. Here, you can elevate yourself personally and bring your dreams to life by cultivating your inner self to find the right balance. You have the power of mind over matter. You just need to learn how to channel your powerful energies to achieve your life goals.

The spiritual implications

When you look at your watch, you often come across the time 10:01, the first time, you will think that it is just a pure chance. However, we are talking here about a reversed time, which has all its importance. Indeed, there is a message conveyed through this mirror hour 10:01. Lecabel is the representative guardian angel of this time, and he tells you that this is the perfect time to make many changes in your life. Fortune and fame will be the main gifts he grants you. With his support, you will be successful. His goal is for you to be fulfilled in all areas of your life. The time of misery is now over. The angel Lecabel is far from being an angel who seeks complexity. He teaches you to overcome the trials of life with modesty. Thanks to his benevolence and his great wisdom, he grants you a spirit of discernment. In this way, you will always keep your composure in the face of serious problems. The solutions do not have to be extreme to solve any of the problems of your daily life.

1001 Meaning love - Leave your past behind you

Noticing the time 10:01 is rather auspicious. In a relationship, we can speak of strengthened bonds, of realization, of fulfillment. It can also be a question of taking an important turn agreed upon by both partners. A common will to start again on new bases. For singles, too, it is a new cycle that is beginning. You are making a clean sweep of your past and your shaky history. With this new behavior, opportunities will present themselves very quickly. It's up to you to seize them! Open your eyes wide.

What does number 1 mean in numerology?

The number 1 represents the starting point, a basis, a beginning. When you come across a mirror hour or reverse mirror hour containing the number 1, progress down the path you think is right for you, your angel will be by your side. Number 1 is also related to spirituality. The hidden message behind it indicates that you have the qualities necessary to transmit your enlightenment to others in order to help them gain spiritual maturity. It will remind you at all times that you have many skills and especially much wisdom to inspire others.

How many times have you already seen 10:01 mirror hour, and wondered what the significance was, plus, why you were seeing it so frequently? Throughout our lives, we experience critical periods, and periods that accompany important changes on a personal, emotional or professional level. During these times we are more sensitive to the vibrations of the Universe, and therefore more receptive to the messages of our angels. If you see the same mirror hour over and over again, it means that your angel has an important message to communicate to you. The easiest and most reliable way to find out is to be guided by trained and professional people who can communicate with them: mediums and psychics. For your first consultation, Astrofame offers you the chance to start your reading for free with one of our experts.

- The future is mine -

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* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:

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